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The Difference Between Brand Image And Brand Identity


October 20, 2020

You put so much work into building a strategic brand identity, but does it match up with your brand image?

Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.”

– Jeff Bezos

This one is for our fellow business owners out there, as well as the people who have been keeping up with our brand identity series. Today we’re talking about brand image and brand identity. They sound pretty similar, but there’s an important distinction between the two. So buckle up, folks, because there’s treasure at the end of this rainbow. 

Photo by Jared Erondu

The Difference Between Brand Image and Brand Identity

Brand image is how you are perceived by consumers. In contrast, brand identity is how you want to be perceived by consumers. If we had to distill it down, the main difference is perception vs. intention, and consideration of the two is part of an all-encompassing brand strategy.

The Power of Brand Image

Believe it or not, consumers can form an opinion of a brand without even having purchased its products or services. How is that possible? Well, brand identity, position in the market, marketing campaigns, etc. are all public-facing. Therefore, what you say, how you say it, and why you say it can all impact perception. That’s the power of brand image.

With great power comes great responsibility because perception is subjective and fickle. One consumer might love a brand experience, while another consumer of similar interests and demographics might dislike it immensely. The next day, the same dissatisfied consumer might have a completely different experience and change their perception. That’s just human nature. However, it’s still important to align brand identity and image as much as possible. One way to gauge alignment is revenue. Consumers vote for brands they like with their dollars. If a brand is consistent and strong, the financials are probably looking pretty good too, and vice versa.

Photo by Jp Valery

How To Manage Brand Image

Managing a brand image can be challenging. Try as we might, we can’t control what other people think. However, the good news is that there are actionable items that we can all take to foster a positive brand image.

1. Strengthen Brand Identity – How can you align your image if you don’t have a solid identity? Once you can communicate who you are to the masses, you can implement a sound strategy for brand image.

2. Position Yourself Wisely – Know who you are and who your target audience is. If you’re a luxury lemonade stand targeting young professionals like our fictional business, Ciitrus, from our messaging blog post, you can craft a brand identity and marketing strategy that will resonate with them.

3. Give A Damn – Today, brand values and mission statements have never been more important. It’s now common to see brands become more vocal on civil and environmental issues. And honestly, it’s working. Studies show that Gen Z and Millennial consumers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand whose values align with their own, even if there’s a product on the market that’s better suited to their needs.

4. Engage – A brand should serve as a personification of your business. That means interacting with followers on social media, practicing good customer service by responding to reviews, and participating in conversations about current events.

Photo by Jakob Owens

One last thing: never forget that your brand is you. If this blog post has you worried about your brand image now, just know that as long as you are your authentic self, the odds are in your favor. And if you want to know what consumers think about you, then ask them! Brand image is a constantly evolving work in progress, just like us.

Can't Get Enough Branding?

Same. In fact, we’re in the middle of publishing a series on brand identity, and we think you might like it. Start at the beginning with our first piece in the series on messaging.

Messaging Blog Post

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